John 14:12 He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do;
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Am a super human
Friday, 28 June 2013
Sleeping dreams
Go the extra mile
John 4:10 Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you,......
In this verse Jesus was teaching about understanding, identifying and obeying authority. To become the greatest, we have to be under stewardship (Galatians 4:1-3) only then can we understand, utilise our position without with perfection.
Another lesson Jesus teaches us was, to be masters of going the extra mile. Whatever your background also go the extra mile. It can be either at work, home, church etc. Going the extra mile, is a common factor that can be found in every leader.Amen
Monday, 24 June 2013
I work better in Jesus
Friday, 21 June 2013
Give a hand in love
Helping people with just words is all but over; Some need more than words. They need money, support, pampering, grooming, empathy, a hug the list goes on and on.
If you see your beloved in trouble or getting into trouble, try your best to eliminate the need. God for bid if they die- Bible tells us that, their blood will be on your hand.
The song writer says, "let the world see heaven in your eyes, show them love they can't deny" I pray that you have the heart of compassion to help the helpless in Jesus name Amen.
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Working the mind
Lamentations 3:21 "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope".
The writer discovered the essen of stimulating the mind. The mind makes us who we are.
Research by Dr Mark Rosenzweig, concluded that people who enrich their brains resolve problems better than those that don't. If the brain is not stimulated eventually, it loses it's ability to respond.
To work your brain please start by:
1. Read book you will not normally read
2. Exercise your body
3. Creat a craft without plans
4. Learn a new skill
5. Cook a meal from scratch
6. Listen to music you will never listen to
7. Experience new people
8. Write your thoughts on paper
9. Travel to foreign destinations
10. Visit the museums
By stimulating the mind new concepts will be birth to fulfill your divine calling and to walk, knowing you have hope in Jesus name Amen.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Perfect timing
Monday, 17 June 2013
Prioritised the Heart
The heart is instrumental in the race of life that, God tells us to,"give me your heart" (proverbs 23:26) God's reason for doing this is because the substance of the heart will determine your future-it's crucial to understand that every conviction starts from the heart.
I have my God, partner, family, church and career in my heart. There is not enough room for others. Some have magazine, ex partners, sports, food, etc in their hearts. Don't give priority to things that will neither increase or improve your life. Put the word in you. Amen
Saturday, 15 June 2013
I stand in God
Matthew 27:46.......“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
At this point of Jesus's life, He was covered in sin - crying for His dear life. Hopeful that God will retrieve, hopeful that, He can finish the task but God had over looked Him.
There comes a time in once life when one feels that they are standing alone at the Battle front. Your friends are nowhere to be seen, family have forsaken you, you wish can give in and give up.
Don't give in yet, fight a good fight of faith, your help come from above, He has sent His angels before you. I can see your testimony, you have rewritten your future in Jesus name Amen.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Have confidence in God's word
Psalms 110:1 The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
Incredibly, some have lost confidence and disposition themselves from the treasures of heaven. Jesus said I was satan fall like lighting.... (Luke 10:18)
The devil is powerless; he's fuelled by OUR WORDS. If for any reason you feel distress by him (devil) today God wants you to chill, be anxious not, hold your peace, and your enemies will be made your footstool in Jesus name.
The song writer said, "we are not move by what I see Hallelujah" I pray that you will never be moved by what you see or hear in Jesus name Amen
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Prays for All
John 17:20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,
At this moment Jesus was praying for all believers. Interceding for others who can't or unable to for whatever reason is powerful than you can anticipate.
Make it a prayer point-to pray for others. Pray for friends, families, work colleagues, community, country etc.
Bible tells us that, all things are possible if we believe. I know from the depth of my heart you have received answered prayers in Jesus name.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
After Prayers; Be Still
Psalm 46:10 .....“Be still, and know that I am God;......”
Most people conclude their prayers with Amen but that's not the end of the story. God wants to give us Direction, Instruction, Revelation etc.
Jesus tells us that, "I will send the spirit of true and He will tell you the things to come" (John 14:26)
After prayers be still/silent for about 5-10 minutes it up to you. Holy Spirit will speak to you about the future in Jesus name Amen.
P.s I am directed by the Holy Spirit
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Group Prayers
John 9:7 And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” So he went and washed, and came back seeing.
This man was blind from birth, but on this particular occasion His prayers were answered. The significant thing about this verse is that he needed people to get to the pool and wash his face.
Although it's not stated some unable people might need a hand. Some prayers are answered however we need a platoon of Christians/leaders to assist.
You can pray with your department, cell groups, bible study group, your church etc. When two or three agree nothing is impossible.
I pray that you find the support you need in overcoming that obstacle in Jesus name. Amen
Monday, 10 June 2013
Answered prayers
Matthew 6:8...For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.
I always wondered if God knew what we wanted before we pray-why don't He just give it to us? why do we need to pray?The answer is simple-they are principles that needs to be abide by.
Even Jesus had to pray. God has answered numerous prayers but it takes faith to receive.
When people encounter an obstacle like the red sea how many of us today will bravely walk in an open ocean.
Your prayer have been answered-just received it in Jesus name Amen.
Saturday, 8 June 2013
The right path
Friday, 7 June 2013
Fruitful in affliction
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Don't Fuel the devil
John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.
When most people read this verse, they conclude that the devil is coming to kill, steal and destroy. But Jesus wasn't referring to the devil. He was talking about the agenda of a the theft.
1 Peter 5:8 tell us that, "the devil is like roaring lion..." Peter didn't say the devil is a lion but rather he roars like one-hoping to put fear in you. The devil is powerless, he's fuelled by OUR WORDS- resist him and he will flea. In JESUS name!!!!!!
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
What are you building for God
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
My words have authority
Luke 4:32 And they were astonished at His teaching, for His word was with authority.
Research have chosen that words without passion have no or little effect.
Bible tells us to speak with boldness and talk the words of faith. Let your words have some authority-fear needs to run, when you speak words of faith.
Don't leave without pronouncing some fruitful words into your life's and that of your family, friends and enemies. Amen
P.s. I look too good today, I have the wisdom of God, people see me and love me, I am too great, I am a master of my gift.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Prayer is a lifestyle
Psalms 6:9 The Lord has heard my supplication; The Lord will receive my prayer.
In this adventure, we need to anticipate ahead always! with mountain moving faith and a prayerful lifestyle.
Like my mother always says prayerful people are unbreakable. Spend some time with God, start with 5 minutes, than 10, than 20 minutes you will eventually graduate to 1-2 hours.
Set a time in the morning to pray- same in the afternoon and evening-and experience an unbeatable adventure. Amen
P.s. I am prayerful and unbreakable
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Evil friends, evil future
Psalms 1:1 God blesses those people who refuse evil advice and won't follow sinners or join in sneering at God. Paul tells us in Romans 1:24 that God gave people up to sin because they continue to walk in unrighteousness. To prevent this, reevaluate your relationships, are your friends moving you closer or dragging you back from God, what is the core of your conversations, do they encourage you to go to church or club's. Beloved refuse evil advice and don't walk with those who plan evil.Amen
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Make the right friends
John 15:14 You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. It's highly unlikely that anyone can go through life without the aid of a friend-ever body needs some body even if you think otherwise. In an highly competitive society we need highly competitive friends-filled with the wisdom of God. Like William Shakespeare, picked his friend like he picked his pearls. Measure your recruitment standard, with that of Jesus. I pray that God will grant you the power and wisdom to pick the right friends in Jesus name. Amen