Jude 1:23 save others by snatching them out of the fire; and to others show mercy mixed with fear, but hate their very clothes, stained by their sinful lusts.
Helping people with just words is all but over; Some need more than words. They need money, support, pampering, grooming, empathy, a hug the list goes on and on.
If you see your beloved in trouble or getting into trouble, try your best to eliminate the need. God for bid if they die- Bible tells us that, their blood will be on your hand.
The song writer says, "let the world see heaven in your eyes, show them love they can't deny" I pray that you have the heart of compassion to help the helpless in Jesus name Amen.
Helping people with just words is all but over; Some need more than words. They need money, support, pampering, grooming, empathy, a hug the list goes on and on.
If you see your beloved in trouble or getting into trouble, try your best to eliminate the need. God for bid if they die- Bible tells us that, their blood will be on your hand.
The song writer says, "let the world see heaven in your eyes, show them love they can't deny" I pray that you have the heart of compassion to help the helpless in Jesus name Amen.