Deuteronomy 29:5 I have led you forty years in the wilderness. Your clothes have not worn out on you, and your sandals have not worn off your feet.
A wildernesses is an uncultivated land, inhabited only by wild animals. If any man inhabit such a land, they will need a great amount of resource and skills survive. God was emphasising on a simple fact victory comes when you sync with Him.
You can possess all the knowledge, wisdom, understand and have a master plan. But without God we can do nothing (john 15:5) I am a God dealer, exceeding expectations, overcoming obstacles and breaking limits.
A wildernesses is an uncultivated land, inhabited only by wild animals. If any man inhabit such a land, they will need a great amount of resource and skills survive. God was emphasising on a simple fact victory comes when you sync with Him.
You can possess all the knowledge, wisdom, understand and have a master plan. But without God we can do nothing (john 15:5) I am a God dealer, exceeding expectations, overcoming obstacles and breaking limits.