Friday, 10 October 2014

Summer of opportunities

Summer of Opportunities

Jeremiah 8:20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

People read this and direct it to unbelievers, there's a great truth in it but I allow me to introduce you to a different concept. The people where not saved because the missed all the opportunities presented by God. Opportunity are like the morning due they come and go but some they say are once in a lifetime but I disagree because bible tells us that, "we are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness".

Lamentation 3:23 The truth is eventually opportunities will die because we have missed or given little interest when they emerge. You have the opportunity for further education, to give to the poor, win a soul, improve your health, improve your business, love your job, honor authority, hate evil among others.

 Don't miss your harvest, don't miss your summer, don't miss your opportunities. Amen

 P.s. It doesn't take alot of strength to hang on but it takes strength to let go