Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Maintenaning the Dream

Maintaining the dream

Hebrews 11:6...for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

They say the most difficult asept of life is initiating the first step, I believe it's maintaining it. You can start a new job can you maintain your colleagues or work culture.

You can start exercising can you maintain the pain your body will endure. Some give up or give in, lose focus and lose the passion and desire.

HE said if you need help ask (Matthew 7:7) if you are afraid, He will uphold you (Isaiah 41:10) if you lack wisdom ask (James 1:5) if you want blessings pay your tithes and offering (Malachi 3:8-12). Amen

P.s I am rewarded by God Amen.
